
Christian Fellowship Through Traditional Okinawan KarateUechi Ryu / Kenyukai “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the LORD Almighty.

Ministry Overview

Hillside Karate Kai is a path that will guide you in development of self-confidence and discipline as well as Christian fellowship and worship to our Lord. Through this study and instruction, it is our hope that you will become strong of body, mind and Holy Spirit; a strength which will aid you in facing daily conflicts and problems with self-assurance, ability and the knowledge that our Lord Jesus Christ is with us in all that we do.

Sensei Chris Whittle is a Yondan (4th degree Black Belt) and has been training since 1992 and is a certified Uechi Ryu instructor. He receives all Black Belt certifications from Grand Master Kiyohide Shinjo, Uechi Ryu Karate-do Kenyukai, Okinawa, Japan.

Qualified Instructors

Your practice of Uechi Ryu Kenyukai Karate will be with experienced instructors who are passionate and dedicated teachers. They are well trained, responsible and maintain a strong commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. They are also proud to share their knowledge of traditional Okinawan Karate.