Meetings Thursday 7pm

Our Mission

Our mission is to mobilize a group of youth with a firm grounding in the gospel of Jesus Christ. To prepare them for a life dedicated to spreading the news of hope to a world that desperately needs it. We encourage each other to live according to the bible and it’s teachings.

What’s The Purpose

Living in today’s world is not easy, especially as a teenager where society expects you to conform your faith to be accepted. With many temptations being presented to our students, we want to provide a place where we can unite to counter the expectations of the world and lift up a upcoming generation to the knowing of God’s unconditional love. Both to those who know Christ and don’t.

What to Expect

At youth group we try to provide a safe atmosphere where our students can have fun, be themselves, and build one in other in love. On most days we have a set game planned for the students which usually involves improv, team building activities, or just silly fun. We follow up the game with a biblical lesson that can be applicable to teenagers and everyday life. We also have announcements for future events, ministry opportunities, or news updates.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the youth group at Hillside Church please contact the Hillside Youth Facebook Page or a Youth Leader such as Jesus Chico: or Amy Salazar: